'Kid shoots tv after mom turns off wifi.. (Fortnite) So today Owen goes through kids / kid playing fortnite battle royale chapter 2 season 4 and there mom / mum / dad / parents destroying their consoles tv such as xbox one, xbox series x, ps4, ps5, nintendo switch, iPhone and more. Subscribe for Best Daily Funny Fortnite Battle Royale Moments! inspired by Ninja, Ali-A, SypherPK, LazarBeam, Lachlan, Muselk, MrTop5, Faze Tfue, BCC Trolling, Fresh, SSundee, Slogo, Jelly, Nick Eh 30 & more - ItsOwen #fortnite #season4 #fails More new Fortnite Battle Royale videos - Psycho mom DESTROYS PS5 over Fortnite.. ItsOwen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wUIGW-GZNWg&t=3s kid caught stealing iPhone 12.. (ARRESTED) ItsOwen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_4PNaGl090&t=13s Kid caught playing Fortnite in school.. ItsOwen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeCU4EKZO8U&t=128s his parachute didn\'t work then.. ItsOwen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ct2rnXIo2Vc&t=210s Dad tries to save kid from falling then.. ItsOwen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_EBxZegCHQ&t=441s Kid destroys $4000 TV over Fortnite.. (MUST WATCH!) ItsOwen https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPUsggKRzsM Video Owned and uploaded By Owen\'s Dad'
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