'Hello, all my favorite people! I hope your 2019 is off to a great start! We\'re going back to the basics today and walking through how to use a staple piece of gym equipment: the leg press machine. (I\'ve linked my video on HOW TO USE GYM EQUIPMENT down below! Make sure to check it out if you have questions about how to use other gym equipment besides the leg press.) Suggestions for the next piece of equipment we should go over next? Let me know in the comments below! KEEP SLAYING THOSE 2019 GOALS. WE GOT THIS. Purchase my Workout Guide: https://naomikong.com/products/fit-fearless-workout-guide Best honest & authentic supplments: https://buylegion.com/naomi (Discount code: \"naomi10\") Cute gym workout clothes: https://ryderwear.com/nk (Discount code: \"nk10\") Etra Liquid Chalk: https://www.etrastrong.com/ (Discount code: \"naomi10\") -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO USE GYM EQUIPMENT: https://youtu.be/3irVy7zN47w FOLLOW ALONG WITH HIIT WORKOUT: https://youtu.be/EKtdukUQdYc WHAT SUPPLEMENTS I TAKE: https://youtu.be/YuSgG3zob7o For more workout videos and daily fitness motivation, follow me on: INSTAGRAM: http://www.instagram.com/naomi.kong FACEBOOK: http://www.facebook.com/naomikongfitness Legion Supplements: https://legionathletics.com/?tap_a=20... Use code \"naomi10\" to save $$ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER: - Lashes: https://amzn.to/2r8npDa - Curling Wand: https://amzn.to/2Rpy8Z2 OUTFIT DETAILS: - Black Cropped Tank (Intro): Forever 21 - Leggings: Lululemon - White Long Sleeve & White Cap: Refuge Apparel - Shoes: Converse #naomikongfitness #legpress #seatedlegpress *This video and description contains affiliate links. This helps support the channel and allows me to continue creating more content for you. Thank you for your support!'
Tags: fitness , Workout , gym , guide , leg day , training , legs , beginner , leg exercises , press , gains , squat , deadlift , quads , leg workouts , leg , technogym , Lifetime , hamstring , 24 HOUR GYMS , bret contreras , leg press , how to use gym equipment , naomi kong , glute machine , leg machines , booty machines , butt machines , all about the leg press , how to leg press , technogym leg press , how to use technogym leg press machine , 45 degree leg press machine , leg press vs seated leg press , cybex leg press machine
See also: