'Day at Max\'s Gym Bench Pressing, Snatching, and Clean\'s'

'Day at Max\'s Gym Bench Pressing, Snatching, and Clean\'s'
04:33 Jan 16, 2022
'http://teamaitatraining.com  http://www.doughnutsanddeadlifts.com  Use discount code tonymontgomeryjr for 15% off  http://tmnutritionco.com For diet and training info email me [email protected]  http://www.howmuchyabench.net   https://generalleathercraft.com  Headed up to Max\'s Gym yesterday to bench with his crew, his gym is located in Emeryville, Ca and is a go to gym if you are in the area. So many great lifters all looking to improve and be at their best. Hit up some bench press with Brad and Ernesto, work on pause close grip for about 6 sets of 4. My tope set was 405lbs and then hit back down sets of 365lbs. Than we threw on the slanger to do some triples and doubles. Finished with JM presses, BB rows and arms. After the workout we headed to a Russian bath house in SF. It was amazing, sauna, steam room, hot/cold baths, pool, massage, jacuzzi and a lot more.' 

Tags: fitness , Workout , Weight Training (Hobby) , training , iMovie , press , Bench , Bodybuilding (Sport) , Gym (Industry) , Powerlifting (Sport)

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