'If you\'ve been around YouTube beauty for a while, you know that tag videos used to be all the rage! If you are \"tagged\" you make a video answering the questions. Today we are going to do at least 2 tags, the This or That tag and the 7 Deadly Sins of Beauty Tag! (If you aren\'t a fan of the Live Chat format, it\'s okay, I understand, but this video will not be enjoyable for you. I like to talk to the people here and I know that bothers some people, and I am sorry for your frustration. I have plenty of content that is NOT live chat format and I hope you continue to enjoy those videos!) *I have disabled Super Chat until I can appropriately use the money that has already been donated. I will let you know when it reopens. I do not have a Patreon account and do not plan to create one. Thanks for your support! ******* FTC: This is not a sponsored video. **********'
Tags: makeup review , lipstick , collection , makeup , haul , sephora haul , review , News , reviews , makeup collection , ulta haul , swatches , 2017 , 2016 , lipsticks , declutter , Q & A , makeup news , makeup declutter
See also: