'Here\'s a good workout you should try to get a nice round lifted booty: 3 Sets of ankle weight kick-backs 15-20 reps 3 sets of band kick back 20 reps 4 sets of Squats 15-20 reps 2 sets of reverse lunges 30-40 reps Finish up with another 3-5 sets of various band kick backs. You can get the bands and ankle weight at http://www.BikiniModelStore.com For the #1 Butt Workout plan check out: https://30DayButtTransformation.com'
Tags: leg workout , butt exercises , squats , leg exercises , inner thigh workout , big butt , butt lift , inner thigh exercises , thigh gap workout , toned thighs , sexy legs , home butt workout , lift , thigh gap , bigger butt , Big Booty , thigh exercises , squating , sexy butt , firm , sexy thighs , barbell squats , get a bigger butt , more lifted butt , squats for women
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