'My accepted WDKA fashion portfolio'

'My accepted WDKA fashion portfolio'
09:40 May 15, 2022
'uploading this so it may help other applicants next year! could barely find fashion portfolios on youtube, most were illustration ones so thought id put it up :) this year the application proces was completely digital so i choose to make a little video but you could also build a website, powerpoint etc... i dont know if next year the applications will be irl again but the same rules will apply  If you have any questions feel free to ask! I speak english and dutch.  Some tips: - START WORKING ON IT ON TIME!!! it takes so much more time than you think - Look closely at what you need to submit. How many projects? How many home assignments? What is the deadline? this is so important, you dont want to forget your home assignment because it counts for 1/3 of your portfolio - if i could go back i would add more fashion focused projects into this portfolio, but its good to a bit of everything you can do! illustration, photograpy, your sewing, modeling etc... it shows you are not scared to explore and experiment - show your personality and interests! they want to get to know you by seeing your portfolio, so put as much of \'you\' in it as you can! keeping a sketchbook and just drawing things/styles you like in it every once a while is a great way to do this as the admission team will basically get a look inside your head  ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I do not own this song and do not claim it as my own. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Frames drawn in FireAlpaca http://firealpaca.com/  Composed in Toon Boom Studio 8.0 If edited: Camtasia Studio  My Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrashTopias My art Tumblr: http://trashtopias.tumblr.com/ My personal Tumblr: http://trashtopiasisgarbage.tumblr.com/ My Amino: https://t.co/xtlbDauo7D  Email: trashtopiasinfo@gmail.com' 

Tags: fashion , animation , portfolio , fashion portfolio , illustration , accepted portfolio , admission , WDKA , willem de kooning academie

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