'It\'s time to enter the SPIDER-VERSE guys!! Peter.B.Parker needs your help to get him back in shape and ready to fight crime again. This new workout gives you the chance to train along side Peter.B.Parker as he tries to get himself back to full Spidey Fitness. Just click play and follow along with him and get yourself ready to fight crime once again . You have 30secs work and 10secs rest. Perform these 5 exercises twice round! Your Exercises :- SPIDER SPRINTS - 30sec MYSTERIO CRUNCH - 30secs MARY-JANE JACKS - 30secs JJ.JAMESON JUMPS - 30secs OSCORP TUCKS- 30secs If you take it on, Take a picture or video and tag @glennhigginsfitness (INSTAGRAM) and @GH__FITNESS (TWITTER) and I\'ll repost it
Tags: fitness , Workout , abs , cardio , home workout , gym , healthy , motivation , full body workout , core , hiit workout , hiit , training , FitFam , fun exercise , circuits , the body coach , Joe wicks , kids workout , fatloss , Kids exercise , superhero , GHFitness , glennhigginsfitness , hiittheroof , toughmudder , gym at home , family workout , kids fun tv , superhero workout , kids home workout , kids exercise video , kids home exercise , fun workouts for kids , joe wicks pe lesson , childrens home workout , get kids moving
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