Jun 22
'ALL RIGHTS ADMINISTERED by JYP Entertainment We do not own the MUSIC. All rights reserved to the original owner. [This for entertainment purpose only!] * = Le mot \"Stay\" signifie \"reste\" en anglais, mais il désigne aussi les fans de Stray Kids \"STAY\". Dans cette chanson, ce mot à une double signification. Thanks for watching! I hope you liked it! Please LIKE and SHARE this video! Don\'t forget to SUBSCRIBE my channel :) Artist : Stray Kids (스트레이 키즈) Song : Phobia Album : Go Live Release : 2020.06.17 FOLLOW ME : instagram : https://www.instagram.com/squirreldimples stray kids phobia stray kids phobia lyrics stray kids phobia color coded lyrics stray kids phobia audio stray kids phobia live stray kids phobia concert stray kids phobia music video stray kids phobia teaser stray kids phobia line distribution stray kids phobia cover stray kids phobia reaction stray kids phobia easy lyrics stray kids lyrics stray kids maniac lyrics stray kids christmas evel lyrics stray kids charmer lyrics stray kids thunderous lyrics stray kids god\'s menu lyrics stray kids freeze vostfr phobia skz vostfr phobia traduction phobia french traduction phobia stray kids lyrics french stray kids phobia line distribution french stray kids phobia line distribution français phobia line distribution français phobia'
Tags: Stray Kids , french , 스트레이 키즈 , Phobia , lyrics , vosfr
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